Electronic components integrated circuits esp8266 wifi module

Describe:18650 batterieladesystem integrierteon ladeschutzon discharge protectiontasche size 10x3 cmoled display (d1 - and d2 (sda, scl)zeigen led available (gpio16)bedienen as nodemcusmt connectors f

  • Model: Electronic components integrated circuits esp8266 wifi module


18650 batterieladesystem integrierte

on ladeschutz

on discharge protection

tasche size 10x3 cm

oled display (d1 - and d2 (sda, scl)

zeigen led available (gpio16)

bedienen as nodemcu

smt connectors for a deep sleep mode

Five direction key (D5, D6, D7,Flash)

6 gpio escape (adc, d3, d4, d8, d9, d10)

3 v / 5 v output

micro usb entrance (5 ~ 12 v)

1 switch controls the power.

anzeige led (red = chargin, green = fully charged)

can and work at the same time


* * be careful + and -. if you put the wrong direction of the battery, the charging chip.

this product does not contain 18650 battery. * *


Invoice list:

1pcs wems(ESP8266preflashed development board) OLED version - ESP8266 + 18650 + OLED